Equality, Diversity
& Inclusion

Fairness, Respect, Equality,
Diversity, Inclusion
& Engagement

Calderdale College is committed to advancing Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement. This ethos is reflected in our College Values. All students and staff benefit from an inclusive college community which appreciates and celebrates our different backgrounds and cultures.


We have a very effective and proactive steering group who ensure that we work towards raising awareness of our diversities, eliminating barriers and narrowing gaps in retention, achievement and development between those who have a protected characteristic and those who have not. It is our statutory duty to meet the three specific Equality Duty requirements:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people of different groups
  • Foster good relations between people from different groups

The above aims are in accordance with those outlined in the general duties of the Equality Act 2010/11.

The college has clearly established structures, policies and procedures and monitoring arrangements in place with regard to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). An Action Plan is in place and monitored regularly by the EDI Coordinator and the EDI steering Group.

Calderdale College is committed to advancing Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement. As part of our Action Plan, the college’s senior management and governors have worked together to ensure that EDI is embedded in their practices.

Equality Duty

The EDI Coordinator has worked with the Procurement Team to ensure that all our suppliers and contractors understand what is expected from them with regard to EDI in their workplaces. Every supplier has been required to either have their own EDI policy or use ours. In addition, we have stated in our paperwork that we will not knowingly do business with any company that uses Modern Day Slavery or trafficking in its supply chain.

The Equality Duty covers the following protected characteristics:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race (including ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality)
  • Religion or belief (including lack of belief)
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership

In delivering the Equality Duty the College must determine what information it will publish to demonstrate that it is achieving its aims. From January 2012 the college has published information about learners and staff relating to:

  • Recruitment (numbers of learner enrolments, staff recruitment)
  • Learner outcomes (learner success rates)
  • Learner satisfaction
  • Workforce data


Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.

The College has clear policy and codes of conduct for learners in relation to equality and diversity. Feedback from learners, including complaints, is analysed and reported.

Satisfaction of Learners
Calderdale College surveys learners in the first term to assess their satisfaction with all College functions. This information is disaggregated according to protected characteristics. Key findings from Entry Survey 2019/20 indicate that:

  • 1090 learners completed the survey
  • Overall, 91.8% of learners are satisfied with their experience at Calderdale College
  • 92.74% of learners are satisfied with the Teaching, Learning and Assessment they have experienced, 91.57% are satisfied with the support they have received, and 92.88% are satisfied with Application and Enrolment
  • Satisfaction for 14-16 yr olds is 88.5%, 16-18 yr olds is 89.89% and 19+ learners is 95.44%
  • Female learners with a 92.19% satisfaction level are happier than males who have 90.13% satisfaction
  • Learners with learning difficulties and disabilities 91.9% have a higher satisfaction than those with none 90.6%
  • Pakistani learners have slightly lower satisfaction levels at 89.64% than White British learners at 90%

Recruitment of Learners 2018/19

  • 55.6% of enrolments are 16-18 year olds with 44.4% Adults
  • 51.2% of learners are male with 48.8% female for FE
  • 21.8% of learners are male with 78.2% female for HE
  • 30.3% of learners have a declared disability or learning difficulty
  • 68 learners were identified as being in the category of High Needs Dependency
  • Of the main ethnic groups, 61.9% are White British, 38.1% are from an ethnic minority background and of those 49% are Pakistani Heritage learners
  • 152 students are on Higher Education Programmes
  • 461 learners are on our Apprenticeship programme.  41.6% are 16-18, 22.5% are 19-23, 35.9% are 24+

Foster Good Relations Between People from Different Groups

The promotion of EDI is through a programme of collaborative EDI activities delivered during the year including:

  • Student participation: 
    An established connection with learners, supported by the Learner Involvement Team included a collaboration with the Performing Art Students who performed a play on the theme of LGBT; a display of costumes from different cultures by the Art Students; Festival of Cultures lead by ESOL students involving the community and local Primary schools.
  • Armistice Day: 
    Displays: Rolling slideshow of information and pictures – 2 minutes silence held in Learning Centre for all to show respect for those who have fought and lost their lives in all wars – Commemorative metal poppies created by Motivate motor vehicle students were displayed and sold for British Legion charity – Last Post played by staff members. Employability and Life Skills/English GCSE students display of creative writing. Learning Centre display of related Literature.
  • Holocaust Memorial Day:
    Video and rolling slideshow on screens; Student Activity in Inspire Centre/Sports Hall – Diverse craft activities, demonstrations, performances and food supported by students and staff. Language Café/Halifax Central Initiative and other community groups attended “Roving student reporters” took photos throughout the day and captured individuals’ comments for feedback.
  • LGBT History Month: 
    Rolling slideshow on all screens with Inspirational role models. Printable quizzes produced were used in tutorials.
  • Deaf Awareness: 
    Signing workshops and awareness activities such as signing, lip-reading and “deaf experience”. Information leaflets produced to raise awareness.
  • International Womens’ Day:
    Displays and activities within the curriculum
  • Autism Awareness event:
    Collaborative event between college and Autism Organisation held in LC. 
  • Mental Health Awareness Week:
    Mental Health issues page created on Moodle which included interactive learning packages that focus on different elements of Mental Health and a selection of videos.  Used in tutorials.
  • Black History month: 
    Timeline displays and slideshow on TV screens. Literature displays in the Learning Centre.
  • Posters promoting positive image throughout the College


The Human Resources Team monitors equality and diversity statistics and works with the Equality and Diversity Committee to ensure fair practice in all aspects of employment and will continue to look for methods to improve the diversity of the workforce and ensure that all policies are assessed for Indirect discrimination.

Information is held for all existing staff and is also collected from all prospective applicants to ensure fair recruiting processes. Data is being developed to provide solid data that can be compared nationally.

Government legislation has introduced a requirement for all organisations with over 250 employees to publish data in relation to gender and pay. From March 2018 this information will be published here and on the central government portal.

To read our Single Equality Policy click here to download our Word Document.

Please see our Gender Pay Gap Reports below.

Profile of our workforce*

4% of staff are managers

63% of staff are female

49% of staff are 45 years or older (national FE average is 50%)

*compared to national data. Further Education Workforce Data for England – Analysis of 2015-16 Staff Individualised Record (SIR) published by Frontier June 2017

Profile of our workforce*

The Workforce survey for FE Colleges* shows that the workforce is primarily White British (84%).

At Calderdale College 85% of staff have classed themselves as White British with 5.29% Asian-British/Pakistani; 2.27% Asian-British/Indian and 1.33% Black-British/Caribbean.

Profile of our workforce*

The Calderdale community overall is 89.7% White British; 6.8% Asian-British/Pakistani; 0.6% Asian-British/Indian; 0.3% Asian-British/Bangladesh; 0.6% Asian-British other and 0.4% Black British.

Profile of our workforce*

6% of staff have a declared disability which matches the national figures.

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Open Event

Join #TeamCalderdale in September 2025!

Monday 20 January 4-6:30pm