General Regulations
GR1 Learner Admissions Policy and Procedure
GR3 Staff Code of Conduct and Malpractice Policy
GR4 Communication and Information Technology Policy
GR5 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
GR6 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
GR7 Code of Practice: Freedom of Speech and Expression
GR8 Attendance and Punctuality Policy
GR9 Learner Services Counselling Policy
GR12 Positive Behaviour Policy
GR14 Safeguarding, Child Protection and Prevent Policy
GR16 UCCC Professional Conduct Statement
University Centre Regulations
Transfer Arrangements
There are no formal arrangements for students transferring to or from other courses at other HE providers. In the event of an early course closure that required students to transfer to another HE provider, the measures outlined in GR10 Student Protection Plan would be implemented. Where a student transferred to UCCC from another HE provider where a course closed early, an applicant’s prior learning would be assessed using the guidelines outlined in AR1 Student Guide to Recognition of Prior Learning.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions – please read these terms and conditions as they form the basis of the agreement between you and the University Centre.
For students on Open University-validated programmes (FD and BA Hons)
For students on Pearson Higher Nationals (HNCs and HNDs)
For students on University of Huddersfield-validated programmes
Students on Teacher Education programmes that are validated by the University of Huddersfield can access the University’s regulations page here:
University of Huddersfield website – Regulations for Awards (Taught Courses)
For more information on specific policies that apply to you as a Teacher Education student please contact the Centre Manager, Jan Holden
G1 Academic Board Terms of Reference
G2 Board of Examiners Terms of Reference (Open University)
G3 Extenuating Circumstances Panel Terms of Reference
G4 Ethics Committee Terms of Reference
For more College Governance information and documents please click here
University Centre Partners

CHESS 2018 Results
91% agree that: My course has provided me with opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depths.
89% agree that: The skills I have developed during my time in Higher Education will be useful for my future career.
NSS 2018 Results
90% agree that: The course is intellectually stimulating.
86% agree that: I feel part of a community of staff and students. My course has challenged me to achieve my best work. Staff value students’ views and opinions about the course.
CHESS 2018 Results
82% agree that: My learning has benefited from modules that are informed by current research. Staff are good at explaining things.
80% agree that: I have been able to explore academic interests with other students. I have had the right opportunities to work with other students as part of my course.
NSS 2018 Results
81% agree that: My course has provided me with opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depth and to bring information and ideas together from different topics.