College Governance

This College Governance section, contains information about governance at Calderdale College, Governors’ duties and profiles, details about the Board and its Committees, policies and procedures, a minutes archive and how to contact the Clerk to the Corporation.

Governor Duties

The role of the Corporation is in agreeing the strategic direction of the College, setting objectives and monitoring results, and supporting the College to provide a high-quality and effective learning experience for everyone who attends the College.

The Articles of Government list the seven responsibilities of the Governing Body as;

  1. the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and oversight of its activities;
  2. the requirement to take account of staff and student views when reviewing the mission and purpose of the institution
  3. approving the quality strategy of the institution
  4. the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and the Corporation and safeguarding their assets;
  5. approving annual estimates of income and expenditure;
  6. the appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the holders of senior posts and the Clerk
  7. setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.

Governor profiles can be accessed here.

The Board and it's Committees

The Governing Body is made up of 15 people from different sectors of the local community (external governors), staff members and students. The Corporation Board meet four times a year, with an additional three Governor Development days.

There are additional Committees covering Curriculum, Quality & Standards; Finance & Resources; Audit; and Search & Governance. All Committees meet three times a year, with the exception of Search & Governance Committee, which meets as and when required – at least once per year.

How to contact the clerk to the corporation

The Independent Clerk to the Corporation is Jane Taylor-Holmes, who can be contacted in the following ways:

Calderdale College 
Francis Street 

01422 399 303


You can also contact the Chair of the Corporation at the address above. If you would like a paper copy of any of the documents on this page, please contact the Clerk to the Corporation.

Did you know?

90% of students go on to employment or further study

OFSTED Good and Outstanding

We were rated Good for our Further Education offer and Outstanding for Apprenticeships!

Here’s what they said

“Teachers ensure that learners make good progress in developing their vocational skills and gain good levels of knowledge and understanding in practical subjects.”

Read more

“Learners gain confidence and improve the social interaction and communication skills that will support them well in their future lives.”

View our OFSTED report here.

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Open Event

Join #TeamCalderdale in September 2025!

Monday 20 January 4-6:30pm