Why choose Calderdale College?

We deliver a wide and diverse range of apprenticeship qualifications covering 25 different sectors, including Construction, Digital Marketing and Leadership & Management.

On an annual basis we train over 500 apprentices, working with over 3,000 local and national employers, ranging from micro-businesses to some of the region’s largest employers.

Is an apprenticeship right for me? ​

An apprentice can be anybody; any age, any level of previous study and in almost any industry.

To be successful as an apprentice you should want to challenge yourself and enjoy learning on the job. You need to be self-motivated and be able to manage your time well.

Being an apprentice isn’t easy, it requires a commitment to a career path. But you’ll be rewarded by consistent self-development and a wealth of industry experience. 

Getting Started

You will have a mentor within your workplace. They will work with you on a day to day basis within your working environment. This will be a person who has the appropriate time and experience to help and guide you.

A thorough induction ensures that you completely understand the Apprenticeship you are undertaking as well as the expectations that are being placed on you, your employer and your Training Officer.

The Employer

Undertaking an Apprenticeship must be done in conjunction with your employer. It is important that your Training Officer is able to build a good relationship with your employer. By including them in the induction process your employer can be fully aware of what will be involved in your Apprenticeship. This will enable them to accurately support you and input where they are required to do so.

Throughout your Apprenticeship your employer will be required to give feedback, provide any relevant training for your role and ensure all policies and procedures are adhered to.

20% off the job training

An apprenticeship is a work-based programme. The training is required to help you become fully occupationally competent in the workplace. Therefore, it is reasonable that the apprenticeship should be delivered during your normal working hours.

Training Officers

Your Training Officer will be your link to Calderdale College. They are occupationally competent individuals with a breadth of knowledge and skills to take you on your learning journey.

In the beginning you will work closely with your Training Officer to discuss your pathway. They will discuss all topics listed in the induction. They will support you for the duration and ensure that you have the best possible opportunities to achieve your Apprenticeship

Questions? Ask your training officer

Problem? Tell your training officer

Clarification? Check with your training officer

Next Steps? Discuss with your training officer

Achieved? Celebrate!

Attitude & Behaviour

Remember you are an employee, representing your employer!

Be on time for work and any assessments/reviews.

Be positive!

Wear appropriate clothes/uniform as set out by your employer.

Be kind and respectful at all times.

Take your work and learning seriously!


Why are you undertaking an Apprenticeship? What is your goal? What progression do you envision for the future?

Be aware of your targets, be part of the planning process and make sure that you meet targets set.

This is your Apprenticeship, you should take responsibility for your own learning.

Did you know?

We train 500 apprentices annually

Did you know?

We work with 3000 local and national employers

We cover…

25 different sectors and industries

We have…

30 fully qualified training officers with industry experience

Training the future engineering workforce

Discover more