Understanding Social Media: features, benefits & risks
Unit 15 of the level 2 NCFE Certificate in Principles of Business Administration
Overview / Summary of Training
Participants will be able to identify the main networks and their features used in social media and why they would be used. Participants will also explore the risks and benefits of networking on social media for an organisation
The following areas will be covered
- Knowledge of the current social media networks that are commonly used for publishing, integrating, and sharing online
- Understanding of how social media is used by individuals, businesses, governments, and social groups
- Understanding of best practice for safe social networking
- Understanding the need for safety and security practices
Impact for participants
- Gain a strong understanding and develop some skills relating to the different types of Social Media networks
- Develop confidence to use social media to appropriately represent an organisation
- Improve understanding of the safe and secure social networking practices
- Improve understanding of the legal constraints associated with the use of social media
Embedded themes
- Legal considerations
- Health and Safety
- Stress Management
- British Values
Teaching & Learning Methods
Online virtual learning
Reboot Course Enquiry
Please enter your details below and we will be in touch with you shortly to discuss this course.
About re[boot]
[re]boot FREE short courses are funded by Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the European Social Fund (ESF) to help people over the age of 18 to gain new skills and qualifications to either up-skill in their current role or change career.
Delivered by Leeds Trinity University and West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges on behalf of the LEP, the courses are available in construction, digital, manufacturing and engineering and creative industries. [re]boot courses are available to those living in Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Selby, Wakefield or York districts and are free of charge to all participants. This is part of the LEP Future Goals campaign.
Online Learning
- Start Date: weekly
- Length: 40 hours, to be completed before the 25th March 2022 submission
- Online learning
[re]boot FREE short courses are funded by Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the European Social Fund (ESF) to help people over the age of 18 to gain new skills and qualifications to either up-skill in their current role or change career.
Participants must:
- Be aged 18+
- Live in the Leeds City Region (LCR). LCR includes the districts of Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Selby, Wakefield and York.
- Employed, self-employed or returning to work
- Not be undertaking an Apprenticeship
- Not in receipt of benefits
Unit 15 of the level 2 NCFE Certificate in Principles of Business Administration
Online learning