This webpage was last updated on 15/02/2022 at 10:00


Information for all College users

Update on the Wearing of Face Coverings

In line with the DfE guidance, face coverings are no longer required in classrooms, teaching spaces or communal spaces. Anyone who chooses to wear a face covering in communal or teaching spaces will be supported to do so and face coverings will remain available at all entrances to College buildings.

Calderdale College will continue to work with the Calderdale Public Health Team and will introduce face coverings as a proportionate measure if case rates in Calderdale rise significantly, posing a risk to public health and the protection of the NHS.

COVID-19 Lateral Flow Testing

From 1 April 2022 the College is no longer able to order Lateral Flow Test kits from the Government for distribution.

All students and staff of Calderdale College are encouraged to continue to self-test only if they are feeling unwell and have remaining tests and should report any positive results to their tutor (students) or HR (staff).

COVID-19 reporting

Anyone who tests positive should remain at home for five days and return to work/study at that point if you are well and do not have a temperature. If after five days you still feel unwell and have a temperature, you should remain at home for a full ten days.

Anyone who feels unwell with symptoms of a respiratory infection and a high temperature, who has not taken a COVID test, should stay at home until they no longer feel unwell. You should avoid contact with anyone who has health vulnerabilities during this time.

Students under the age of 18 with mild symptoms of respiratory infection (mild cough/runny nose/sore throat) who are otherwise well, are permitted to attend College.

Please report your COVID absence to: COVID-19 reporting, please email Your tutor or manager will be informed. 

COVID-19 Measures in schools – Please find the letter for parents and guardians about the measurements in school

Further Information

We understand that these circumstances may be challenging for some students. Further support is available at the links below.

If you are in crisis over this period and need urgent support please contact the following crisis helplines; remember you don’t have to be alone with these feelings:

  • Samaritans (any age) 116123
  • Childline (up to age 19) 0800 1111
  • CAM crisis messenger text CAM to 85258
  • NHS Direct 111

Please contact 999 if there is an immediate risk to life.

If you need to speak to a counsellor:

  • Messaging and online counselling service for 11-25 year olds.

If you are in need of food in Calderdale area please contact:

Ebenezer Methodist Church, St James Road, HX1 1YS Halifax, 01422 647390. This service is open Saturdays 10-11.45

In Bradford area please contact:

Bradford Central Foodbank, The Light Centre, 86 Captain Street, Bradford, BD1 4EL, 01274 734314. This service is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 11.00 – 1.30pm.

In Kirklees, contact:

The Welcome Centre, 15 Lord St, Huddersfield HD1 1QB, 01484 515086

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