In-Service Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE L7), Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE L6) & Certificate in Education (Cert ED L5) (Lifelong Learning)

PGCE or Cert in Education
Study Area: 19+
Duration: 2 Years
Attendance: Part Time

Course Overview

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education, Professional Graduate Certificate in Education and the Certificate in Education are awards of the University of Huddersfield.

This course is for teachers and trainers who are working with young people or adults in the Post-Compulsory Education and Training sector.

It is a part-time, in-service course, designed for those who are already employed in this area. The course is taught at Calderdale College.

Teachers of vocational courses to 14-19 year olds in schools may also be eligible, as are those with an established training function in a business/commercial organisation. Voluntary teaching/training hours may be acceptable. Our trainees develop a deep interest in the academic and pastoral well-being of their students.

You are expected to have a good understanding of your chosen subject: a degree if you are applying for the Professional Graduate or Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), or a subject specialist qualification at a minimum of Level 3 for the Certificate in Education.

The course does not give the status of Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS). However, you can gain QTLS if you are appropriately employed in the sector, through a process of professional formation which is separate from the course and administered by the Society for Education and Training (SET).

The course encourages you to be reflective and critical in relation to your teaching. It combines a focus on practical strategies around topics such as classroom management and assessment with knowledge of the underpinning theory involved.

One of the distinctive features of the course is that the teaching and learning strategies used by the tutors are part of the content of the course as well as its delivery. Discussion of what methods tutors use and how well they work is designed to encourage you to make reflective judgments about what will work with your learners.

You will encounter a wide range of teaching and learning activities as you work through the course.

You will work in small groups and on your own, attend lectures and seminars as well as presenting your own work. Work-based learning will be an important feature of your studies, not just in relation to practical teaching but also to develop your wider professional role.

A similar variety of assessment strategies will also be encountered, ranging from essays and projects to teaching observations and peer assessment.

Start Date

  • Start Date: September 2025
  • 4 hours per week, Tuesday Evening
  • 4:30pm – 8:30pm
  • Calderdale College Campus

Entry Requirements & Interview Process

Applicants for the Certificate in Education must possess, or expect to possess before the start of their qualification, a National Vocational Qualification at Level 3 or 4 (or an equivalent qualification), in the subject area forming their main teaching base.

Applicants for the Professional Graduate Certificate in Education must possess or expect to possess before the start of their programme, a UK first degree (not a Foundation Degree), or a Master’s Degree or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution.

In most cases, you will be required to show that you have had a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance check carried out by your employer. If you aren’t in paid employment, it is the responsibility of the placement provider to ensure that you have been suitably checked. As part of the application process, you will need to confirm that a DBS check has been carried out.

Applicants for the Postgraduate Certificate should hold, or expect to hold before the start of the programme, a degree from a British University, or an award regarded as an equivalent by the University of Huddersfield.

You will need to show that you have the potential for postgraduate level of study in the field of education. You will need to identify a mentor in your workplace who is a specialist in your subject area. You will also need to have access to 100 teaching hours over the duration of the course (50 per year).


On successful completion of the Cert ED and Professional Graduate Certificate in Education, you may progress to a BA Education and Professional Development (also an award of the University of Huddersfield).

Completing the course may inspire you to explore research avenues that support your practice and subject specialism. Or to consider further study at Level 7 (Master’s) or Level 8 (Doctoral).

You can gain QTLS if you are appropriately employed in the sector, through a process of professional formation which is separate from the course and administered by the Society for Education and Training (SET).

Achievement of the awards should enhance your career development in the Lifelong Learning Sector. The awards are accredited by the Higher Education Academy, the relevant professional body for higher education teaching.

Assessment Methods

Assessment is through submission of a portfolio for each module which is validated by the University and observation of teaching practice. There is no examination.

Course Fees

£3850 per year.

The fee quoted is for guidance only and will be confirmed at enrolment.

All higher education students can apply to Student Finance England for assistance towards fees. For help or advice with this please contact our Guidance Team on 01422 399367.

The college has an Access to Learning Fund which students may access if they are facing financial difficulties.

Awarding Body

University Centre Calderdale College and the University of Huddersfield have delivered qualifications in partnership for over 25 years. The PGCE, Professional Graduate Certificate in Education and Certificate in Education are awards of the University of Huddersfield.

Career Opportunities

MGL in Further Education and Higher Education
£21,500 – £31,500

In-Service Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE L7), Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE L6) & Certificate in Education (Cert ED L5) (Lifelong Learning)

Study Area: 19+
Duration: 2 Years
Attendance: Part Time
Unsure of which course to pick?

Calderdale College has a set of standard entry requirements. Apply for the course you want to study and we will help you get there.

There are a lot of courses available – work focused, practical and academic so it is important to think about the future and whether you want to proceed to university, move onto another course or get a job. We offer BTECs, Apprenticeships, T Levels, NVQs, VRQs, Degree Level Courses and more.

If you’re still not sure, don’t worry, just speak to a member of our advice and guidance team who will advise you.

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